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IMUNA Confrences and Events 

IMUNA Conferences

IMUNA holds several national conferences every year hosted by our various societies in their corresponding university campuses. Our students come from all over the country to participate in these conferences and compete for awards. 

In addition to our national conferences, IMUNA also holds an international conference in Israel each year in which students from various universities around the world participate. 

Furthermore, throughout the academic year our societies send delegations of student to compete in international conferences abroad.

IMUNA Events

IMUNA hosts, attends and facilitates a variety of events and programming designed to provide tools and skills to its members so as to enhance their professional, interpersonal and leadership capabilities. Among these events stand various panel series, networking opportunities, delegations and engaging activities. Through these programs and more, IMUNA is proud to provide its members with the necessary tools and platforms through which to thrive in their chosen sector. Moreover, IMUNA capitalizes on these opportunities to further enhance the Youth Diplomacy in Israel and its younger generation.

IMUNA Workshops

IMUNA holds several academic workshops and hosts academics programs for our members throughout the year.

Our Vice Chair and Chair workshops train them to be moderators of the simulated committees, in charge of guiding and advancing the debate in the room and judging the performance of the competing delegates.  Other workshops are held according to demand and can entail training in different fields such as Model UN coaching, fundraising, Model UN academic writing material and more.

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Designed and revised by IMUNA Marketing Department

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